Missing Cat Found... After 6-Year Search!

Six years after he crawled through a torn window screen at his home in Massachusetts, a cat named Mini Max has finally been reunited with his owner!

Peabody resident Margaret Kudzma, who'd been actively searching for her lost pet since August 2015, says her hunt finally came to an end last month when she received a call from a veterinarian who'd checked Mini Max's microchip.

"I cried when I first received the call that he had been found," Kudzma says. "I was incredibly happy, grateful and relieved. I hoped and prayed he would find his way home."

But it's not all bad...

Kudzma says her six-year search led her to meet the owners of several rescue shelters, prompting her to start her own business that's dedicated to protecting and caring for homeless felines!

It's called The Rescue Business, and the organization provides shelter and food to many outdoor cats in need.

"My desperation to find him led to an unimaginable journey," she says. "I met dozens of people, who out of the goodness of their hearts, spend countless hours rescuing and caring for stray and feral cats."

Read the full story on FOX News.

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