Kaiser Announces Grants to SoCal Groups Combating Anti-Asian Hate

PASADENA (CNS) - Kaiser Permanente Southern California announced today eight local organizations that were selected to receive a total of $900,000 in grants to support their work to end anti-Asian hate and violence.

Selected organizations are Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Los Angeles, Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance, Stop AAPI Hate, Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council, Pacific Asian Counseling Services, Union of Pan Asian Communities, Japanese American Citizens League San Diego, and Visual Communications.

"We recognize the pain that many of our employees, members and communities are experiencing due to the unacceptable increase in assaults, harassment and hate crimes directed at people of Asian descent," said John Yamamoto, vice president of Community Health and Government Relations for Kaiser Permanente Southern California. "At Kaiser Permanente, we understand that health and well-being begin in communities that are just, equitable and safe. That's why we stand firmly against all forms of social injustice, including the targeting of Asian people. We're supporting organizations with proven records in defending the civil rights of Asian Americans and in providing support and healing to the Asian American community."

The grants are part of a $3.6 million grant Kaiser Permanente gave to Asian Americans Advancing Justice, which is distributing $900,000 to Southern California organizations over a two-year period. Kaiser Permanente says the funding is an effort to curb bigotry and harassment experienced in California and across the U.S. in part due to COVID-19's origin in China. The eight organizations were selected by Kaiser Permanente's community health staff and members of the Kaiser Permanente Asian Pacific Islander Association.

As part of Kaiser's national initiative, the grants received by the eight Southern California organizations will be used to:

  •  Advance the civil and human rights of Asian and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders through education, advocacy and community-building
  •  Address misinformation and xenophobia and increase reporting of hate crimes and hate incidents in the Asian and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander communities through a focused media campaign
  • Strengthen infrastructure for regional community-based organizations to prevent racist crimes and incidents, intervene when they occur and promote healing.

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