London Couple Lived in a Ghost Town after a Building Company Met its End

Bad timing is an understatement.

A building company in England went under at the worst possible time leaving a London husband and wife with an incomplete home.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips purchased and moved into a home on the outskirts of England with a motivation to escape the “city life” of their hometown, London. Their brand new home was part of a housing community that began development over three years ago. Unfortunately, their excitement turned to outrage when they discovered the developer went out of business… before completing their home. As a result, the couple was stuck with an undeveloped property.

In its path, the company left a community of unfinished homes making this pre-purchase one unit in a sea of ghost homes.

The Phillips lived in the Ghosttown where they paid for their own repairs, had no neighbors, and experienced misplacement of their property at the hands of other contractors.

Fortunately, after their experience, they took matters to court where their money was returned.

The housing development has since been purchased by a new development company and is in the couple's rearview.

Check out the report and photos here.

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