Andrew Levy of Avelo Airlines | CEOs You Should Know

Andrew Levy launched Avelo Airlines on April 28, 2021 -- nearly six months after originally planned, thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic.

But while most other airlines pulled back on their services due to the pandemic, Levy saw this as the perfect opportunity to get into the market! Especially in Burbank.

"With COVID, a lot of other airlines pulled back some service and we thought 'hey, this is a moment of time, let's get into Burbank," Levy said.

"It’s fun to be a part of building a business and seeing the vision becoming a reality," he added. "We’re early on in that process but we’re off to a good start."

Today, Avelo Airlines stands strong with 228 employees. However, Levy says he expects that number to grow well over 400 by the end of the year!

"Airlines are really exciting because every day is different," he said. "It’s an incredibly dynamic business, it’s incredibly difficult, it’s very competitive."

Check out more information on their website, AVELOAIR.COM.

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