Metro Train Operator Shot and Wounded at Metro L Line Station in East LA

EAST LOS ANGELES (CNS) - A Metro train operator was shot today at the Indiana Station in East Los Angeles and was hospitalized in stable condition.

The shooting occurred about 4:10 a.m. on the platform of the station, which handles the Metro L Line (formerly Gold Line) trains, according to Dave Sotero of Metro. The suspect fled and was being sought.

“This was a brazen act of violence against a defenseless Metro operator,'' Sotero said.

Authorities closed the Indiana Station and advised rail passengers to use buses during the closure, which was lifted late Friday morning.

“Earlier today one of our rail operators was shot at Indiana Station and is hospitalized,'' Metro said in a statement released late Friday morning. “We wish him a safe recovery and will continue to support the operator and his family.''

Information on the man's identity or years of service was not released.

Anyone with information on the crime was urged to call Metro security at 888-950-SAFE.

Photo: Getty Images

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