Having trouble getting your COVID-related unemployment benefits? Well, San Quentin inmate Scott Peterson got his. For those who don't remember, he was convicted of killing his wife and unborn son. If that isn’t bad enough, convicted serial killer on death row, Cary Stayner, also got his unemployment check. This is incompetence at its worst! Hard working folks struggling to get by, still can’t get their benefits!
State and Federal prosecutors are investigating this fraud in the pandemic relief system. Nine district attorneys in CA and a federal prosecutor are calling for Gov. Gavin Newsom to intervene to stop this fraud!
The D.A.s are calling this situation:
The most significant fraud on taxpayer funds in California history.
“It is a manifest problem that cannot be ignored, and the governor needs to take steps to address it,” said McGregor Scott, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of California.
Though few dispute the need for unemployment aid during an unprecedented economic downturn — and the potential need for further stimulus money — the latest allegations highlight ongoing problems with EDD that have left many questioning the agency’s ability to administer the massive number of new claims.
The governor needs to address this! This must be stopped!!
PHOTO CREDIT: Getty Images