Halloween House Spider Goes Viral! Spooky!

@eastaurorany on Tik Tok posted this video of this giant animatronic spider crawling down the house with along little spiders caught up in the web. Spooky stuff...super cool stuff! And guess what? It went viral. Over a 6.5 million views.

It's a huge draw for kids to come by the house and everyone is sharing their pictures on socials.

According the @eastaururany he built the inflatable 8-10 feet in diameter dayglo spider by sewing and painting fabric to the spider's body, and built a crane which allows the spider to craw down from the roof to the yard. The legs move independently of the body, which gives it that extra ewww-effect.

This amazing creativity and craftsmanship reminded us of our own Neil Saavedra who is known for his spectacular house decorations for all holidays! We picked our favorite one, which was when Neil had real snow brought in so his nieces and nephews could sled on Christmas. This is right here in So Cal and it was 94 degrees that day!

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