County Supervisors Support Formalizing National Museum Aboard USS Iowa

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors today unanimously backed legislation that would establish the USS Iowa in San Pedro as the National Museum of the Surface Navy.

The legislation introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Rep. Nannette Barragan, D-San Pedro, would make the USS Iowa the first Surface Navy museum in the country, according to Supervisor Janice Hahn.

“The USS Iowa is not only a proud piece of Navy history itself, its second life as a floating museum has taught millions of visitors about the importance of the US Navy and the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women who have served,'' Hahn said. “It is only fitting that our USS Iowa be the site of this new National Museum -- dedicated to not only the ship's incredible history, but the entire Surface Navy.''

While serving on the Los Angeles City Council, Hahn put forward the proposal to bring the USS Iowa to the Port of Los Angeles and continued to champion the effort after being elected to Congress. The retired battleship was dedicated as a museum in 2012.

The motion passed by the Board of Supervisors directs the county's Washington advocates to send letters of support for S 4683 and HR 8369 to Feinstein and Barragan.

Photo: Getty Images

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