A 3-year-old girl in Greece has survived a harrowing adventure after being swept out to sea -- and she has a unicorn to thank for her rescue...
An inflatable unicorn, that is.
The girl was playing with the inflatable unicorn toy on the shore of an Antirrio Beach earlier this week when a strong gust of wind pulled her -- and the unicorn -- out to sea, according to authorities. Within moments, she'd already blown too far out for her frazzled parents to reach her.
Hearing the girl's screams, ferryboat captain Grigoris Karnesis looked out from the deck of his vessel and saw her clinging to the inflatable unicorn's neck.
"There was nothing this child could do," he said.
As the girl continued to be forced further out to sea, Karnesis navigated the vessel toward her, managing to pull it close enough for a crew member to reach over the side and pull the girl out of the water! But dismissing media reports that call him a hero, Karnesis says he's just glad the girl survived the incident unharmed...
"We don’t know what can happen from one moment to the next," he said. "The sea is a deceitful thing."
However, there's no word on whether or not the unicorn survived...
Read the full story on The New York Times.