Councilman Wants to Require Reports on Employees' Positive COVID-19 Cases

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Councilman Herb Wesson introduced a motion today that would require employers to report to the city and county of Los Angeles when three or more of their employees test positive for COVID-19 within a two-week period.

“As coronavirus restrictions have loosened locally and around the country, Los Angeles County is seeing an uptick in virus transmission rates,'' Wesson stated in his motion. “Nonetheless, the city is currently engaging in a reopening of its economy with many Angelenos returning to their daily recreational activities and even more residents returning to the workplaces.''

The state of California on June 16 released new guidelines for employers to use in handling and tracking workplace COVID-19 outbreaks, and Wesson said in his motion that it is critical that the city is prepared to quickly track and monitor the spread of COVID-19 in its workplaces.

Wesson's motion would direct the city attorney to draft an ordinance requiring all employers in Los Angeles to file the report when required, consistent with the state's guidelines.

The reporting would also apply to businesses using independent contractors and allow the city and county to use information collected to assess testing needs at specific locations and industries.

Wesson also said he wants the draft ordinance to contain penalties and enforcement provisions for employers or business owners who fail to comply, and to contain anti-retaliation protections for employees who report noncompliance with the ordinance.

Wesson's motion will first be heard by the City Council's Ad Hoc for COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment Committee.

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