#TastyTuesday - Burger King is trying to make cows fart less

Burger King is on a mission, a mission to make cows fart less. You see when cows fart they release methane into the air, and methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

The fast food restaurant's livelihood depends on beef and in this age of doing good, Burger King has acknowledged that they are part of a problem and want to do what they can to curb the cow farting they contribute to.

Today they announced the new Whopper made from cows on a low methane diet, which means feeding the cows 100 grams of lemongrass. The new diet is supposed to reduce bovine farts by a third, which is probably better for the cows.

According to the EPA, methane from cows made up 3.9% of the U.S.'s greenhouse gas emissions in 2018. Around the world cow farts contribute 14.5% of greenhouse gasses, so apparently this is a monster that needs to be stopped.

All we care about is "does the burger taste good?" Burger King released an odd video promoting the new cow diet featuring yodel kid Mason Ramsey walking through a digestion system while singing about gas and farts.

It's weird, but that's the world we're living in. Fork Reporter Neil Saavedra joined us to discuss the Burger King news, and to discuss how restaurants are handling the second California COVID shutdown.

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