#FeelGood Precious Pug Named Milkshake Will Steal Your Heart

Photo Courtesy: @milkhshakethepug

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Like everyone else, I'm tired of being stuck at home...but the one benefit it has afforded me is a little more spare time scouring social media for the totally adorable, I'm constantly amazed at how many adorable things I've been missing!

And Milkshake is one of them.

One of my friends alerted me to Milkshake the pug, a precious little PINK dog in London who has been taking the internet by storm.

Yes, you heard me, he's PINK. His fur is pink and his eyes are blue.

Milkshake's mama, Maria, says when she first saw Milkshake when he was about 10 weeks old, he instantly stood out, he was the only one in his litter that was pink. She had never heard of a pink pug before and it turns out, it's VERY unusual, there's only about 100 'pink' pugs in the world, so Milshake is unique!

Maria says that somewhere in Milkshake's lineage there was an albino pup, so that's what gave Milkshake his unusual coloring. Usually, albino pugs have some health problems like hearing loss or problems with their eyesight, but fortunately, Milkshake has none of those issues, he's perfectly healthy and incredibly adorable!

His mom used that adorableness to bring happiness throughout the world with his Instagram @milkshakethepug, Maria told The Daily Mail:

"His Instagram started just as a bit fun, but straight away he got such a positive response. A lot of people messaged me saying they'd had a bad day and seeing Milkshake really cheered them up, which encouraged me to post more."

Today, more than 87,000 followers watch 20-month-old Milkshake's daily antics, his fancy clothes and photo shoots and it's obvious he LOVES the attention. Maria says:

"He enjoys getting dressed up and posing for all his photoshoots because he knows he's guaranteed to get some chicken after. When I do a shoot with him when we're out and about, people will come over and take their own pictures and give him a cuddle. He loves. it."

You can also follow him on Facebook!

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