Law Enforcement Says Car Theft Has Increased During Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has forced a lot of people to work from home, therefore we've seen a lot less traffic in Los Angeles the past few months. But with more people staying home, their cars are staying on the streets longer too, and thieves have taken a notice.

According to AP News, stolen vehicle reports have increased 63% in New York, and almost 17% in Los Angeles as compared to this time last year. Police say this is because vehicle burglaries are a low-risk crime, especially during a pandemic.

“You might as well put a sticker on the window that says ‘come take my stuff,’” Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said.

Police Sgt. Chris Vetrano is the supervisor of an auto theft unit in Austin, Texas. He says it's so easy these days, that criminals can simply just go online and learn how to steal a car.

“You can get on the internet nowadays and learn how to break into vehicles just searching YouTube,” Vetrano said.

Even thieves have more time on their hands these days. Not to mention, California's current 'no bail law'... So keep an eye on your car if it's parked on the street for long periods of time.

Read the full report on AP News.

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