Job Search Tips for Grads (and Everyone) in a Pandemic

Lauren McGoodwin is the founder and CEO of Career Contessa, the largest online career resource for women. Here with Dr. Wendy, though, she talks about how recent college graduates can find a job in a PANDEMIC. Although, let's face it, lots of people are looking for jobs right now, not just grads.
Where is the new job demand? She says even though jobs available might not be the dream job or the one planned, grads and pros alike need to open their minds and lose the egos. McGoodwin says no matter where they go or what they do they'll be learning and networking, which will always be useful for the future.
The former recruiter talks about doing a network "seasonal outreach" to keep yourself at the top of people's minds.
Keep those particles in motion!
Lauren McGoodwin is also the author of the newly released book, "Power Moves: How Women Can Pivot, Reboot, and Build a Career Purpose." She was a recruiter at Hulu and has a masters in communication management from USC.
Listen to ALL of the great tips and info from McGoodwin's chat with Dr. Wendy below!

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