Gavin Newsom Thinks the 'Safer at Home' Order can Last for 8-12 Weeks

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Gov. Gavin Newsom thinks that the tough social distancing measures to flatten the coronavirus curve may continue to last for the next two or three months.

Minutes earlier the President suggested that the economy should be able to reopen in weeks.

Newsom also warned that the states needs to greatly increase their capacity of hospital beds by 50,000.

The differences in messages between the president and Newsom comes at the same time as Congress continues to argue over a nearly $2 trillion economic rescue package.

Newsom is begging on Californians to act differently. As of Monday evening, there are 2,162 confirmed cases and 39 deaths.

“If you want to bend the curve, we have got to bend to a deeper understanding and meet this moment head on,” Newsom said at a press conference.

The Governor is worried that getting the cure to coronavirus could be worse than the problem suggest that the economic problems Americans are expecting may hurt the country more than the virus itself.

Newsom suggests that California may need to follow China's and South Korea's patterns.

“We are looking the next eight weeks, on our curve, maybe the next eight to 12 weeks, to address this surge.”

The state is already seeing economic fallout from the pandemic: Over the last week, about 106,000 people a day have submitted unemployment insurance claims,

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