Vallarta Supermarkets to Implement Special Hours for Seniors, Disabled

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Vallarta Supermarkets today became the latest chain to announce that it will open its 50 California stores an hour early to accommodate seniors 65 and older, pregnant women and those with disabilities as a way to assist customers amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Effective Wednesday, the Sylmar-based company's locations in Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Ventura, San Bernardino, Kern, Santa Barbara, Tulare and Fresno counties will open to serve those customers at 7 a.m. before opening to the rest of the public at 8 a.m.

``These special hours, along with our efforts to improve checkout times, restock shelves and assist with customer service, are some of the changes we're making in an effort to meet the high demand during the COVID-19 pandemic,'' said Andrew Lewis, Vallart's vice president of marketing.

On Monday, the Northgate Gonzales Market chain began opening all of its 41 Southern California locations one hour early each day -- also at 7 a.m. - - for senior citizens and disabled customers. The Anaheim-based chain has 19 stores in Los Angeles County, 13 in Orange County, eight in San Diego County and one in Riverside County.

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