Working From Home Like a Champ - That's You

OK, the reality of life is a little tricky at the moment. Mainly because we don't know what the reality is. There's a virus loose around the world and now we're being told we need to enact some social distancing. It's best for everyone if we each give ourselves a little space. People all over the country are being permitted to work from home, if possible. It almost sounds like a dream come true, right?

Believe it or not, this is not a #Corona-cation!

Be careful. Working from home is not always what it's cracked up to be. Pitfalls abound. Traps and SQUIRRELS are everywhere. What can you do to protect yourself from COVID-19 while also protecting your job? Dr. Wendy goes over some simple, but necessary tips for how you can succeed in this unusual situation. You know who wins? The people who can stay focused and keep their collaboration and productivity up, even from afar.

One simple thing you can do is keep your normal schedule. You used to get up at 7:00 AM to get to work by 9:00. Well, guess what time you should still be getting up. You don't have that commute anymore, though, you say. That's kinda cool, but you know what you can do instead to give yourself that mental transition from home to work? Take a walk - before work and after work. This tells your mind when you're on the clock and when you've been released.

Then, of course, there's the number one killer of productivity...distractions. Your kids and/or partner may be home now, too!

Listen to Dr. Wendy below for more tips and great tech apps that will help with staying connected with co-workers while you're separated.

To read a little more, click HERE or HERE

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