DA Declines to File Criminal Case over Confrontation Between Deputies

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office has declined to file a criminal case stemming from an off-duty physical confrontation between a group of Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies after a September 2018 party, according to a document released today.

The Sept. 28, 2018, scuffle occurred outside Kennedy Hall in Los Angeles, near the sheriff's East Los Angeles station, where all of the involved deputies were either assigned or formerly assigned.

Prosecutors concluded in the 28-page charge evaluation worksheet that ``all involved individuals had consumed alcohol, the area in question was dark and unlit, many contradictory statements were made by both witnesses and the parties involved, and everyone involved has potential bias.''

The report states that because of those facts, ``there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that any of the suspects committed any crimes.''

One of the deputies -- who told authorities that he believed he was knocked unconscious for about three to four minutes -- was treated for a laceration to his lip, for which he received two stitches, according to the document.

The charge evaluation worksheet notes that there was ``some mention of a subculture, `Banditos,''' existing at the sheriff's East Los Angeles station, but that the ```Banditos' were not a focus of this investigation nor were the suspects definitely identified as being part of this subculture.''

``Furthermore, whenever mentioned, the `Banditos' were simply associated with a group of older, more senior deputies that simply ostracized younger deputies they felt were `lazy.' At no point in this investigation did any witnesses indicate that the `Banditos' were equivalent to a gang or any type of criminal enterprise,'' according to a footnote in the document from the District Attorney's Office.

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