#FeelGood Very Good Boi Finley Molloy Is A World Record Holder!

Photo Credit: @finnyboymolloy

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How many tennis balls can you put in your mouth? Wait....please don't answer that.

Finley Molloy can fit SIX!

Now, Finley is a Golden Retriever, so it makes complete sense.

Well, 6-year-old Finley now officially holds the Guinness World Record for holding the most tennis balls in his mouth than any good boi ever!

Finley's parents, Cheri and Rob, live in Canandaigua, New York. Their daughter Erin, brought Finley home when he was just 10-weeks old. They say he's always loved tennis balls, so they always made sure to bring them everywhere. But even if they didn't, they really didn't have to worry, Finley always managed to find himself a tennis ball, or any other kind of ball, sometimes sheepishly stolen out of a neighbor's backyard or garage. But when Finley was about 2-years-old, they noticed that the more they tossed, the more he picked up at the same time, sometimes using his front paws to help wedge them in so he could carry them back to the designated thrower so they could, big shock here...throw them again!

So they started an Instagram account for Finley, that chronicled his path to his current stardom.

Word of Finley's talent got around and George Silvarole, a writer for the local newspaper, The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle went to visit the family and wrote this awesome description of the six-ball feat:

"It's a stellar -- and sometimes anxiety-inducing -- thing to watch: Someone will toss him six balls, and once he knows he's got six nearby, he'll start to pick them up. The first three or four or quick, and he picks those up with ease. But for the fifth and sixth balls, he'll use his paws to keep them in place when he pops them in his mouth. By the time he's got all six in his mouth, his cheeks are stretched wide. Some of the balls he's only got a single tooth on to keep them from falling out. His tail wags furiously when he knows he's gotten them all."

The process to be named holder of a Guinness World Record isn't easy. Finley's family had to file the papers necessary to have his impressive feat officially recognized. It was a long process with strict requirements about videos showing the feat and witnesses who actually saw it happen, but that long wait is over and Finley has officially beaten the previous Guinness World record holder in this category, a dog named Augie from Dallas who fit five tennis balls in his mouth back in 2003.

Finley's family is happy that his feat can be enjoyed by people all over the world, currently his Instagram has more than 36.000 followers! Cheri Molloy told Silvarole:

"The joy he brings us is one thing. But he brings joy to people all over the world."

You can read the full Rochester Democrat & Chronicle article about Finley HERE.

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