(Photo by Sandrachile on Unsplash)
Kids, man. This one might just make you tear up. IN A GOOD WAY!
Keoni Ching is an 8-year-old boy from Vancouver, Canada who attends Ben Franklin Elementary School.
Recently, the school celebrated 'Kindness Week,' where they encouraged all students to try to do something kind for someone else. Well, Keoni took on this challenge in a BIG way.
He heard about NFL player Richard Sherman donating more than $27,000 to cover the lunch debt of hundreds of students. His parents talked to him about how this is a problem at a lot of schools, even his own, despite the fact that a school lunch is just $2. When Keoni heard that there were students at his school had lunch debt, he wanted to help them out. So he decided to make and sell key chains for $5 each as a way to raise money to pay off that debt.
His mom, April, told MSN that once word got out about what Keoni was doing, people started sharing it on social media, and the orders came in like crazy!
"We have sent key chains to Alaska, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Arizona, all over the country. There was one lady who said she wanted $100 worth of key chains so that she could just hand them out to people. There were several people who bought one key chain and gave Keoni a hundred bucks. It was absolutely amazing how much support the community showed him."
Keoni, his parents and grandparents made and sold more than 300 key chains. Between those sales and people giving him extra donations for his cause, Keoni was able to deliver a check to the school in the amount of $4,015!
Not only did that pay off the debt for all the students at his school, they put some aside to cover future debt. And, SIX other schools will get $500 each to cover lunch debt at their schools.
Keoni can teach us all a little something about doing some good for someone else, when asked why he wanted to do this, he simply said:
"Helping others is important because it just makes the world a better place."
Yes it does Keoni. Yes. It. Does.