LAFD Fire Chief Suspected in Santa Clarita Hit And Run, Report

SANTA CLARITA (CNS) - Authorities today investigated a Los Angeles Fire Department assistant chief as a suspect in a hit and run in Santa Clarita.

Deputies from the sheriff's Santa Clarita Valley Station responded to the non-injury hit and run about 10:45 p.m. Sunday night in which a Dodge Ram, owned by LAFD Assistant Chief Ellsworth Fortman, allegedly crashed into a parked car near the intersection of David Way and Calhaven Drive, pushing the other vehicle approximately 160 feet, according to Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station Public Information Officer Shirley Miller and the Los Angeles Times.

The LAFD was not immediately available for a statement, but a spokeswoman told the Los Angeles Times the department is “aware of an alleged off-duty incident and our Professional Standards Division is cooperating with law enforcement. Chief Fortman remains on duty while the investigation is conducted.”

According to The Times, the sheriff's station has not heard from the driver, despite repeated attempts to contact him.

“He has never contacted us to try and figure out where his truck is or give us any explanations,” Sgt. David Shoemaker told The Times. Shoemaker did not name Fortman as a suspect in the case.

The Times obtained a copy of a document that listed Fortman as the registered owner of the Dodge Ram involved in the crash.

The incident is under investigation, and no arrests have been made, according to Miller.

Photo: Getty Images

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