We Have #GaSFantasy4Play : Divisional Round Winners!

The Divisional Round of #GaSFantasy4Play is all wrapped up, and we have the results.

This week, the games were...

#MINvsSF  Minnesota Vikings at San Francisco 49ers

#TENvsBAL  Tennessee Titans at Baltimore Ravens

#HOUvsKC Houston Texans at Kansas City Chiefs

#SEAvGB  Seattle Seahawks at Green Bay Packers

And the winners were the...

San Francisco 49ers, Tennessee Titans, Kansas City Chiefs, and Green Bay Packers

As for listeners that played along, nobody picked all 4 games correctly on Twitter.

So, as promised, nobody will all be followed by @GaryandShannon on Twitter and nobody will be getting a prize!

(That certainly was anticlimactic...)

When it comes to the GaS crew, Shannon and Blake both went 3-1, while Gary and Nick only went 2-2.

So, after Wild Card Weekend, the GaS standings are...

Nick           44-32 (--)

Gary           43-33 (1 GB)

Blake           40-36 (4 GB)

Shannon's dad  36-40 (8 GB)

If you missed out this week, don't worry! You can start playing at any time! Just keep an eye out on Friday for the next #GaSFantasy4Play

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