The Head Of L.A.'s Homeless Services Authority Is Officially Stepping Down

The head of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority announced that he is officially stepping down...

Peter Lynn announced this morning that he would leaving his job at the end of December, and Chief Program Officer Heidi Marston would be filling in as interim director until they did a national search for a replacement.

But WHY would the head of the homeless authority step down? Maybe because... what they're doing isn't working?! Just an idea from the John and Ken Show...

“Boy, these have felt like some long five years,” Lynn said in an interview last week.I mean I have really enjoyed this, this role and this gig and I have also felt quite a lot of wear and tear from it.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, homelessness in Los Angeles has increased 33% during Lynn's tenure! He took the job in December of 2014...

“I totally appreciate and understand why he is making a decision to step down," Stephanie Klasky-Gamer, president and chief executive of LA Family Housing said, (and we agree!!!) "It is a really challenging position to be in," she added.

So on behalf of the John and Ken Show, goodbye Peter Lynn! We wish you the best of luck, but we are also very hopeful to find a replacement who will actually do something about the homeless crisis in Los Angeles.

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