Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Disallowing Disruptive Students to be Suspended

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He's back at it.

Governor Gavin Newsom is doing what he does best.


According to the SacBee, the Governor of California has signed a new bill that would prohibit schools from suspending disruptive kids in class.

This bill was signed into law this week and will go into effect July 1, 2020. It permanently bans willful defiance suspensions in grades four and five, but also ban these suspensions in grades six through eight for five years.

A similar law in place was specific to students through third grade.

So who's responsible for this law? Who's the genius that took this law to Newsom.

Well we can thank Sen. Nancy Skinner. She believes SB 149 will “keep kids in school where they belong and where teachers and counselors can help them thrive.”

“SB 419 puts the needs of kids first,” she said.

This law was inspired by the fact that California students missed more than 150,000 days because of suspensions for disruptive behavior. .

SB 419 “may be one of the best ways to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline,” Skinner said.

No, it's not. This is teaching kids they can do whatever they want and have no consequences.

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