A New Mexico Restaurant is in Trouble for Menu Item Names

A New Mexico taqueria is under fire for its edgy menu names that echo some terms coined by President Trump.

At Urban Taqueria in Albuquerque you can find tacos and burritos named things like "Bad Hombre", "Lock Her Up", "No Collusion" and others.

The owner, Hanif Mohamed, says the idea is to make people have conversations about what's going on in our country.

"Ninety-nine percent of the people who walk in, more than 99 percent, don't seem to have an issue with it. The menu's not designed to insult people or hurt people, but it's just meant to keep the conversation going as to what's happening around us."

Some are fine with the names and others, like University of New Mexico professor Patricia Perea says there is a danger to normalizing phrases that are usually used in a context of hate speech.

"It seems fun, it seems like you can make fun of this and maybe make it lighthearted, but you really can't, you're offending a whole community. It's normalizing the terms and potentially turning them into funny or humorous terms, and the more that you do that, the more likely people are to repeat them and perhaps forget the contexts in which they were said."

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