Michigan Building Schools With Places To Hide From Shooters

As the number of mass shootings taking place across the country seem to keep on coming, a Michigan school is taking steps to protect the lives of students and educators.

Fruitport Superintendent Bob Szymoniak says that when Fruitport High School opens in 2021, the building will have several safety features built-in that could set the standard for protecting students from shooters.

The school will have remote control locks on the doors, impact-resistant film on all classroom windows, curved hallways to reduce shooters' sight lines and barricades to hide behind.

Though the additions will ring in at close to $48 million, Szymoniak says it will all be worth it in the end.

"Our ask is that our community be very understanding, keep the eyes on the prize because when our high school is done, it's going [to] be magnificent."

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