A police officer with the Santa Ana Police Department may find himself out of a job after video caught him engaging in a sex act while in his patrol car.
Two clips obtained by the O.C. Weekly show what appears to be a uniformed officer engaging in a sex act after he had finished clearing out a homeless camp nearby on April 10 around 2 p.m. The first clip posed by the Weekly shows the officer parked along a fence in a secluded area behind a recycling plant as the Santa Ana policeman took care of himself.
However, there are questions about whether a second person was in the vehicle with the officer as the stroking hand appears to be more effeminate than the officer's hand, which is by the driver side door.
In the second clip, the witness who shot the video shows the sex act continuing as the man reaches over to the passenger side.
The Santa Ana Police Department says an internal probe has been launched to investigate the video and that it will not comment on any personnel investigations.