DIY Dads Are On The Decline

Dads just can't hack it anymore.

At least when it comes to DIY projects...

A new study outlined in the New York Post explains that millennial dads simply aren't as handy as their baby boomer fathers.

Don't believe me?

Well, let's just look at the numbers.

Who is more likely to change a car tire?

Baby boomers.

Who is more likely to unclog a pipe?

Baby boomers.

Who is more likely to open a tricky pickle jar? (Honest question...)

Baby boomers.

Why? Because millennial dads would rather just call a professional. (A professional pickle jar opener??)

But do you know what's even worse? A bunch of millennial dads don't even own the tools they would need to attempt to fix most typical home DIY issues.

Let's break the ownership rates down by tool:

  • Cordless Drill - 46%
  • Stepladder - 49%
  • Screwdriver Set - 38%
  • Hammer - 32%


Honestly guys, you all just need Dean Sharp "The House Whisperer."

Just trust me.

Tune into "Home with Dean Sharp" every weekend and learn a thing or two.

I promise it isn't as scary as you think it is. It's actually pretty rewarding to know how to fix stuff around the home.

Don't believe me?

Ask your dad.

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