Murder Victim's Mother Says 'I Pity' Kim Kardashian

Last week, reality star Kim Kardashian met with convicted killer Kevin Cooper, who is on death row at the San Quentin prison. Cooper has been awaiting his death since 1983 for killing a family in Los Angeles.

Cooper is the latest man on death row to be sponsored by Kim Kardashian's legal campaign to secure his release from prison. But not everyone was smiling after her talk with the quadruple murderer...

Mary Ann Hughes, mother of one of the four people killed in 1983, told TMZ she was not happy about the meeting.

"It makes me feel sick to my stomach and I pity her," Hughes said. "For what she's doing to us, there's nothing to justify what she's doing to us, the immense pain she is causing us."

She also said she thinks Cooper's attorneys are "using her for her reality show status because they can't use the truth to try to help Kevin Cooper." Hughes' son was killed when he was just 11-years-old.

"She has bought into half truths perpetrated by the defense. If she actually sat down and read the transcripts of all the trials and appeals, she would be sick to her stomach to be in the same room with him," she said.

Read the full story on the Daily Mail.

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