Berkeley Housing Crisis Is Testing Its Ideologies

City Of Berkeley Takes College To Court Over Expansion Plans

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Oh, the Bay Area...especially Berkeley, has always been known for its hippie-like ideologies.

They're the tree huggers who wants everyone to be handed things for free. But lately a housing crisis in their town has started to shift some of these residents beliefs.

Living in the Bay Area is no cheap cost.

It's the tech-industry of the world. All the high end millionaires are taking over the limited housing complexes and causing the cost of living to constantly rise. It's not a place for the low-income.

That wasn't stopping them though. They just started living in their RVs and parking them in city streets.

Understandably, businesses and actual residents of Berkeley hated this. The RV's were blocking the streets and causing safety and sanitation hazards.

So city leaders came together to vote to ban people from living in recreational vehicles.

It came as a controversial vote because it showed the city will listen to the demands of the wealthy at any time.

“We had to do something,” said Mayor Jesse Arreguín, referring to the March city council vote. “The ordinance we passed, I will admit we rushed into it. But we were facing a lot of pressure from businesses and residents.”

But can you blame them for this?

Yes, the housing crisis is bad. BUT no one wants RV's and people living in them on their streets. Maybe Berkeley just isn't the place for you to live.

For more information, please read here.

To hear John and Ken's take on this ban, listen below!

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