Disneyland Now Casting Stormtroopers for "Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge!"

'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' - European Premiere

Hey Stormtroopers! Now is your time to shine. If you're tired of playing dress up in your room and think the world deserves to see you shine then you're in luck. In anticipation of the latest Disneyland attraction, "Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge," the happiest place on Earth is casting for Stormtroopers. Two open casting calls will be held this Friday May 24th at 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.. Those interested in the gig must be between 5'10" and 6 feet tall and comfortable performing before thousands of theme park guest everyday. Expect to "bring to life some of the exciting characters from the Star Wars saga." Take note that the role does calls for a slender to athletic build and "requires physical exertion and working in a full-body costume."

Those wishing to apply can audition at the Onstage Dance Center in Downey. Visit disneycareers.com for more information.

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