New Report Outlines Changes For California DMV

A 110-page report from the Department of Motor Vehicles was sent to lawmakers recently, and it highlights the many changes that are needed to re-vamp the California DMV.

Suggestions in the report include a $10 million marketing campaign, re-designing the website to host a "chat-bot", and better customer service due to complaints. The report was in response to the strike team created by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

They conducted “an intensive series of interviews with DMV executives and managers” and discovered the department had issues with “weak communication and lack of goal alignment among divisions, key vacancies in top management roles, and poor coordination in efforts to improve customer service,” according to the Sacramento Bee.

But will lawmakers be willing to give the DMV more money?

“They haven’t proven they have the ability to spend wisely,” Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, said of the DMV. “We want to see a plan from the administration. We need to have a number of checks and balances so we can be assured they’re spending it properly.”

Newsom's office has yet to comment.

Read the full report on the Sacramento Bee.

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