The Homeless Person at the Center of a MRSA Scare Says He Doesn't Have MRSA

A vagrant was arrested in by LAPD at a West Valley station. Soon after, three officers and a watch commander had to be put on medical leave after coming down with an infection.

There was a fear that the vagrant had caused an outbreak of MRSA within the station because he was the last person to come from the outside.

The Los Angeles Daily News reports that after being transferred to the county jail, the man claims he never had MRSA.

Real quick. What is MRSA?

Basically, it is a type of infection that is "resistant to antibiotics".

Officials from Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) say that unclean working conditions such as being in contact with vagrants cause these types of infections to spread.

Meanwhile, health officials say that these are very common and even the healthiest of us can come down with these types of infections.

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