Days-Old Injured Baby Donkey Rescued and She is CUTE!!

Photo Credit: Riverside County Department of Animal Services

It turns out seeing donkey's and burros roaming around Riverside and Moreno Valley is very common. What is not common is seeing a days-old baby donkey that has been injured.

Roger Eldridge, a retiree who lives in Reche Canyon spotted the little girl in the middle of the road. Eldridge looked for a herd and couldn't find one and noticed the baby burro was injured on her rear-end. He coaxed her to his home and called Riverside County Dept. of Animal Services.

Animal Services picked up the burro and treated her wounds.

Officials at Riverside Dept. of Animal Services estimate the burro is about two-days old and looks as though she was injured by barbed wire and perhaps that is what separated her from her mom. Sharon Gonazles, a veterinary technician with Animal Services, has two donkeys and volunteered to foster the donkey. When it is healthy and old enough, the burro may be put up for adoption, or she could be transferred to one of Animal Services’ rescue-partner organizations, such as the nonprofit organization DonkeyLand.

We shall call her Alice? Or Honey? Or Angel? Or

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