Telegram Announcing Abraham Lincoln's Death Is Up For Sale

Photo: Getty Images

It's hard to believe it's still around, but the handwritten notification of President Abraham Lincoln's death is now for sale.

Philadelphia documents dealer and president of the Raab Collection, Nathan Raab initially believed the telegram was lost.

What a scare.

However he was able to obtain it again and finds it to be "truly one of our great finds."

Dating back to April 14, 1865 the telegram was written inside the home Lincoln was rushed to after he was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's theater.

The witnesses to his death were Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and chief telegraph officer Thomas Eckert.

The telegram reads: "Abraham Lincoln died this morning at 22 minutes after seven."

Once it was written, Stanton directed Eckert to make sure the telegram is given to the War Department telegraphers.

This piece of history is one of a kind.

It's been apart of Lincoln's family collections for generations and is heavily priced.

It's valued at 500,000.


So, if you have that type of cash aside get in on this piece of history.

This year we are honoring the 154th anniversary of the sixteenth president's assassination.

To view the telegram, please visit here.

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