New Data Report Shows Gas Tax Money Has NOT Helped Road Repairs

A new data report from the Federal Highway Administration has uncovered the truth about where all of the California gas tax money is going. It shows that after the state of California increased taxes, the number of bridges in "poor" condition increased as well.

The state has reportedly spent $121 million of the gas tax money on bridge repairs and projects. But why are they still in such bad condition?

“I’m concerned and disappointed at the pace of repairs,” Assemblyman Vince Fong (R-Bakersfield), vice chairman of the Assembly Transportation Committee told the LA Times. “Californians are rightfully upset.”

The data shows that bridges in "poor" condition have increased by 7% in the last three years. Only 35% of all bridges in California are considered to be in "fair" condition. And even worse, the bridges considered "good" declined from 16,788 to 14,779.

“It’s important to note that a bridge with a poor or fair rating does not mean the bridge is unsafe,” Lindsey Hart, a Caltrans spokeswoman said. “Any bridge deemed unsafe for travel is closed to traffic immediately. Ratings of poor or fair are often a reflection of the bridge’s age and mean the bridge requires additional maintenance and repairs.”

Even though you don't see the repairs on the roads, you'll see another 5.6-cent increase in the gas tax starting July 1.

Read the full report on the Los Angeles Times.

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