Do you have potholes in your hometown? Have you ever had any desire to just grab a shovel and fill those darn things up?
Victor Avila from Compton had enough with the rough ride he had whenever he drove on his street.
He made a statement saying, "My family members and friends have gotten their tires damaged because of the potholes so I figured I would fix at least my street".
It wasn't only Victor who tried to fill in these potholes. He was joined by his 7-year-old son, Ismael, and his 4-year-old son Ivan.
ABC reports that Measure P was passed in June 2016 and was supposed to aid in filling in the potholes in Compton. However, due to tax hikes, the city has not been able to get the job done.
Victor clearly lives by the rule "if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself". Hopefully, Compton can do what they are supposed to, so people like Victor don't have to pick up the slack for them.