#MugshotOfTheDay: Colorful Criminal Caught Using Stolen Cards

(Julian Mitchell - Courtesy of Metro Police)

So, I know the bleach blond look is in style for guys right now, and I know it isn't atypical for men to put on some makeup and line up their beard real nice, but tell me this guy's face doesn't look like this...

I'm just sayin', between his tri-color scheme and perfect makeup, he kinda looks like a Neapolitan Sims character.

This colorful kid is a real person, though, and his name is Julian Mitchell.

It turns out that he's actually a bit of a pantone punk.

The 20-year-old Mitchell got arrested for trying to use a stolen debit card and driver's license at a bar.

When the bar's notification system told them the debit card was lost or stolen, they were able to stop the process and question Mitchell a bit. They asked to see his driver's license, and were able to immediately see that his height did not match that of the card. (Wild guess, that wasn't the only physical characteristic that didn't match that of the card owner...)

Mitchell tried to deny using the stolen cards, but that's kinda hard to do when you have the entire stolen wallet in your fanny pack.

According to New York Post , he was booked into Davidson County Jail and is being held on $25,000 bond.

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