How I Turned My Hubby Into A Giant Man Baby

It's been awhile since my last post, sorry about that, it's been CRAZY around here!  Plus, I've been trying to get moving on my book Conversations With Hubby.  FYI, Until the book comes out you can follow those antics on Facebook.

But I have a fun story that I wanted to bring to you about how I turned my big strong, toughest guy I know hubby into a giant man-baby in just a few minutes.

Everyone knows my hubby and I don't have children, we have dogs.  For years, Princess, our chihuahua (pictured above) was the ONLY dog in the house, therefore she reigned supreme.

But years ago, my mother-in-law passed away and my father-in-law was unable to care for their two dogs, Buffy and Roxy, so they came to live with us, much to Princess' chagrin.  Because of Princess' perception that they were invading her domain, they were henceforth known by her to be Usurper #1 (Buffy) and Usurper #2 (Roxy).

While Princess is sweet at times, she's usually rambunctious and defiant, Buffy and Roxy were the exact opposite, two of the sweetest dogs known to man, totally chill and relaxed unless they came down with the 'zoomies' chasing each other around the house. 

Buffy looked like a real live stuffed animal, like a muppet almost...see?

Original Buffy photo

Well, back in September we had to say goodbye to sweet Buffy, who passed away peacefully at our home at the age of 19.

After she died, we had her cremated and have her ashes in a lovely wooden box at home, just like I have my previous dog Amber and cat Dakota's ashes... we also have my husband's dog Jake's ashes at home.

Well, since Buffy always looked like a stuffed animal to me, when I happened upon a website called Cuddle Clones, I had an idea...why NOT make a stuffed animal of her!

All you have to do is answer a few questions on the website, supply a few photos, give them your credit card and done... about 7 weeks later you get a box in the mail.

When I opened the box here's what I saw.  I was floored, and when I took a photo of it I was amazed how much it looked like her.

It looked like her even more when I used the flash to take the photo, as it picked up the nuances in her coat, which was kind of fuzzy, not really 'hair' and coloring, especially in her 'ponytail' ears.

Now, I want to be clear, this is not made from her ashes, her hair, or any physical part of Buffy.  It was simply made from a few photos I sent them, including the photo near the top of this post where she's in the blue harness.

Princess didn't really react after I took her out of the box, but Roxy stared long and hard at her for a long time.  I felt like Roxy was a little uneasy so I put her away and when Roxy was sleeping later, I put her behind her bed so that the two BFF's were back together again! 

The next day, when I tried to put it next to Roxy, she attacked it, clearly freaked out by it.

And, she wasn't the only one.

Figuring my hubby would appreciate the sentiment of the doll because of how adorable Buffy was, I placed it at the bottom of the stairs to greet him in the morning.  I snapped a photo and I was amazed at how much it looked like how Buffy used to sit in that same spot....they got her body style perfectly! 

Well, he was NOT amused!  Since I was asleep when he left for work, I didn't get to see his reaction first hand.  Since it was still sitting where I had placed it the night before, I texted hubby, teasing him. (Excuse my misspelling of 'waiting' in my text.)

He was so freaked out by it, he said he would not come home until I took it away.  

So I packed her up and put her in the car.  When hubby got home from work, I called him a giant 'man-baby' and he argued that what I did amounted to some 'Pretty sick Pet Cemetery sh**!' mumbled something about 'cloning' and again proclaimed he would not be in the house if Buffy the stuffed animal remained in it.

I contemplated that for a moment, but ultimately ended up deciding to bring her to now she greets everyone that enters my office. 

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