A recent SacBee article pointed out the obvious that most people know when it comes to Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom.
He has promised many things for California in his campaign for governor to name a few; universal preschool and child care, health care for all, more money for higher education and job training, more spending on roads, public transit and bridges and millions of new housing units.
However, where will he get all this money to fund all these promises? Newsom has never really quite stated how he would find the way to pay for it all.
These are some of the potential numbers we are looking at if Newsom becomes elected.
Universal preschool and child care: up to $8 billion per year.
Taxpayer-financed, single-payer health care: $400 billion per year.
It would also require a hefty state investment to fund the 3.5 million housing units Newsom plans to build by 2025 to fight housing shortage.
Newsom apparently acknowledges the high costs of his goals saying, “I am not naive."
He also often repeats the line, “It’s not just about more resources. It’s about resourcefulness ... It’s not just about more money,” throughout his campaign.
Photo: Getty Images