Fire Officials Warn People Near Wilderness Areas to Be Ready to Evacuate

SANTA ANA (CNS) - With high temperatures forecast for this week, Orange County Fire Authority officials are warning people who live where urban areas meet wildlands to be ready to evacuate should brushfires threaten their homes.

“If you live near a wildland interface, be prepared and leave when asked,” OCFA Capt. Steve Concialdi said.

“Remember the Five P's,” Concialdi said. “Prescription medications, Personal computers, photos, papers and pets.”

Meanwhile, OCFA firefighters are providing mutual aide at major brushfires throughout California, including the Mendocino Complex, Creek, Carr, Terina and Cougar fires, he said.

OCFA takes part in the State Master Mutual Aide Plan, which means firefighters from around the state also come to Orange County when needed, Concialdi said. And, despite the mutual aide assignments, all Orange County fire stations are fully staffed.”

Photo: Getty Images

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