Concern has been raised after it was discovered that three shopping centers in Orange County have been logging the license plates of shoppers.
Electronic Frontier Foundation Researcher Dave Maass says that info is handled by a contractor that shares information with ICE and other agencies.
"A lot of people are concerned about ICE right now. It's important for people to be concerned about ICE, but people should be concerned about any kind of sharing. So in this case, it's being shared with three police departments and people should be worried about that."
Irvine Company says the information is shared with police in Irvine, Tustin and Newport, but not with ICE.
"I mean when you go to a mall and you're getting your Chipotle or you're buying your Nike shoes, you don't expect that the mall is spying on you and giving that data to the police," Maass said.
Readers are installed at the following locations: Fashion Island, the Irvine Spectrum and The Marketplace.