David and Louise Turpin Trial - KFI On Scene

KFI News Reporter Kris Ankarlo was on scene today for the preliminary hearing on David and Louise Turpin. We've watched this story develop since breaking in January of this year. Take a look at some live tweets from court today. 

When asked by the 9-1-1 operator if any of the children attend school, the 17-year-old says that although her mother tells others they are in private school, she has not completed 1st grade. She also warns that the family is gearing up to move to Oklahoma.

The child begins to discuss their living condition in detail, stating that her last bath was 1 year ago. When attempting to show the RCSD deputy who picked her up a scar on her foot, he was unable to see due to the dirt. 

"The girl couldn’t tell the deputy the date. She knew the year and the first month of the year, but she didn’t know the name of the month. She said she was planning the escape for two years. She had been trying to get ahold of a cell phone."

Louise Turpin shows her first real sign of emotion when the daughter tells of a time the children were chained up for taking candy from the kitchen. 

The daughter then goes on to recall her last doctors visit being in 2014 and before that when she was a baby. 

"The girl tells the deputy that the only time they were treated well was around Christmas time. The “good treatment” would last two days to two weeks...and then everyone would go back to rooms and chains."

"The girl told the deputy she had access to social media with the help of an older sister, said almost everything she knows is b/c of that sister. Says she feels like she has nothing in her brain. Says she tried to reach out to someone on Twitter in India."

She then admits that her father tried on many occasions to sexually abuse her. 

"At Riverside County homes the meals were prepared by older sister. The kids would come out one at a time, stand at the counter eat and return to their bedrooms. The sister would call kids out one by one."

"Some focus on scars that the 22-year-old had on his head, detective says they were accidentally, but they happened during the time when the #Turpin kids were living on their own in Texas. Prosecutors hammering at the point that no mom or dad was there to take him to ER."

"A picture of her arm is shown in court....the clean spots on her arm mark where the chains were. (It looks like when you wears flip flops in a dusty place and then take them off and see the outline of the flip-flops is marked by a lack of dust.)"

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