Day 4: Cosby Retrial Continues In Philadelphia

Cosby retrial day four

The Cosby Show has been rebooted in Philadelphia as the fourth day of the comedian's sexual-assault retrial continues. The prosecution presented a string of witnesses, including former model Janice Dickinson, who recounted her alleged rape by Cosby. 

Dickinson took the stand on Thursday and described for the jury what happened when Cosby allegedly raped her. She told them that the comedian gave her a pill that he claimed would help with menstrual  cramps. But, instead of pain relief, she tells jurors she was 'rendered motionless' by the pill as Cosby got on top of her in his hotel room in Lake Tahoe, California. 

When she woke the next day, Dickinson says, she noted semen between her legs. 

“I didn’t consent to this. Here was ‘America’s Dad,’ on top of me," she told the jury while recalling the 1982 incident. "A married man, father of five kids, on top of me. I was thinking how wrong it was. How very wrong it was.”

Dickinson says when she confronted Cosby about what happened, he looked at her "like I was crazy." 

“I wanted to hit him. I wanted to punch him in the face,” she said.

The jury has already heard from several other witnesses who claim that Cosby raped them. Their stories all share a similar theme - that Cosby would invite them up to their room, give them a pill that rendered them unconscious or unable to resist while the comedian molested them. 

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