Huntington Beach Council Approves Challenge to Sanctuary State Law

Huntington Beach Council Approves Challenge to Sanctuary State Law

HUNTINGTON BEACH (CNS) - The Huntington Beach City Council has voted to file a lawsuit against California challenging the legality of the state's so- called sanctuary law, it was reported today.

The council voted to sue by a 6-1 vote Monday night, the Orange County Register reported. The state law it targeted, SB 54, limits cooperation between local agencies and federal immigration authorities.

While Los Alamitos voted in March to exempt itself from the law, Huntington Beach could become the first city in California to sue the state over the issue, Mayor Mike Posey said. Posey and Councilman Erik Peterson put the item on the agenda, calling SB 54 ``constitutional overreach.''

The vote also directs City Attorney Michael Gates ``to work with the county or other municipalities that wish to join our efforts,'' according to the Register.

Prior to the vote, more than 100 people spoke passionately about undocumented immigrants and sanctuary cities. Constant audience outbursts included insults about minorities, according to the newspaper.

Many of those in support of the lawsuit traveled to the chamber from other cities and even states

``There are a lot of voices here that are not Huntington Beach taxpayers,'' said resident Wendy Rinkind. ``I am heartbroken but not surprised by the hateful rhetoric you brought forth with this resolution,'' added Huntington Beach resident Cynthia Valencia, according to the Register.

But resident Bill Martin quipped that he is ``part of the hate circus'' -- as one speaker described the out-of-towners.

``Open borders take away the identity of a country and of a city,'' he said.

Councilwoman Barbara Delgleize choked up as she described her reaction to some of the derogatory comments about immigrants. ``I'm heartbroken,'' she said.

Still, Delgleize voted in favor of the lawsuit, saying that the city's police chief had expressed support for it.

Photo: Getty Images

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