City Councilman Wants To Cut Ties With NRA

Los Angeles City Councilman Mitch O'Farrell wants to put the pressure on companies who do business with the NRA. O'Farrell has introduced a proposal asking for a list of all the companies the city does business with who have a so-called 'formal relationship' with the pro-gun group. 

O'Farrell said on Wednesday that he wants to figure out a way for the city to boycott the companies, saying it's time people address what he calls an assault weapon epidemic. 

Several companies have parted ways with the NRA after a mass shooting at a Florida high school left 17 people dead. Students and advocates of stricter gun legislation marched on Saturday in the "March for our Lives" calling for stronger background checks and raising the age for when people can purchase a firearm. 

Photo: Getty Images

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