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'Peeping Toms' in South Korea could face chemical castration

Credit: Getty Images

The National Assembly in South Korea is expected to introduce a stronger law soon that would punish "peeping toms."

They'll consider a bill requiring castration for sex offenders who spy on others against their knowledge or will with hidden cameras.

The bill was proposed last week as part of an effort to fight these kinds of crimes, which have increased rapidly in the last few years.

Last year the number of sex crimes involving hidden cameras was 5,185, jumping way up from 1,523 in 2011. They account for 20% of all sex crimes.

Right now chemical castration can only be applied to those who are found guilty of sexually assaulting minors under 16-years-old.

If the bill passes convicted rapists, attempted rapists, and "peeping toms" will all be subject to castration if there's considerable risk for recidivism.

The process works by administering medication, either by tablet or by injection, to reduce libido and the ability to get an erection. It's effects last as long as the person takes the medication.

So it sounds like the person will still have the penis. Chemical castration makes it sound like a vat of bubbling acid would be splashed on the penis, and it would rot and fall off. 

Now that's what sex offenders should get.

Click here to read more at Korea Times.

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