Bill Handel

Bill Handel

Listen to Bill Handel Weekdays from 6 to 9AM on KFI AM 640! Full Bio


Found! Source of 'terrifying' 'IT' balloons

You've seen this story by now.

The citizens of Lilitz, Pennsylvania were freaked out by red balloons tied to grates throughout the city.

Now, some people figured that it was some kind of promotion for the new Stephen King movie, 'It' which is being released in theaters on September 8.  Pennywise, the clown featured in the movie,  uses this tactic as a way to lure victims.

Police in the city were concerned about clowns showing up next to freak people out, so they posted some of the photos to their social media page with a request for the prank to be stopped.

Well, it turns out it wasn't a clever marking stunt by the movie studio, it was just a few ingenious teenage girls having some end of summer fun.  The mastermind of the idea, Peyton Reiff, posted how it all came about to her Facebook page. 

Big kudos to the girls for freaking everyone out! reported the story and asked what we thought was is the ultimate question....what's scarier: Five teenage girls or killer clowns?

We're not sure what the answer is! 

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