Italian Woman Who Calls Out Scammers in Venice Becomes A TikTok Hit

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You're scrolling through TikTok when you come across a video of a woman shouting on the streets of Venice, Italy.

“Attenzione, borseggiatrici! Attenzione, pickpocket!”

It's not Karen shouting at random people; instead, it's Monica Poli alerting visitors to would-be pickpockets as she patrols the streets of Venice.

Poli is a member of a group called Cittadini Non Distratti, or The Undistracted Citizens, who roam popular cities in Italy yelling at people they suspect of robbing passersby of their wallets, passports, and other valuables.

The Economist said that the group of citizens were in charge of one-third of all pickpocket arrests in Venice in 2019, according to the New York Times.

The New York Times recently interviewed Monica Poli about her "internet fame" and why she calls out the pick pocketers. Read the interview here.

Follow the official Cittadini Non Distratti on TikTok at @cittadininondistratti2

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