UK to Ban Face Injections for Teens Under the Age of 18

Close up of woman receiving botox injection in lips

Photo: Getty Images

If you are under the age of 18 in the U.K., anti-wrinkle and filler injections are being banned for you.

According to Fox the age restriction for the two cosmetic procedures reportedly comes at a time when tens of thousands of teens have undergone treatments to smooth or plump their features.

It will become illegal for certified injectors to administer cosmetic muscle paralyzers or fillers on patients who are under 18, starting Oct. 1. Age verification will now be a requirement.

Exceptions will exist for doctors who may need to use an injectable for medical reason. Some doctors approve the use of botulinum toxin, the key ingredient in Botox, to ease teeth grinding, jaw clenching, and chronic migraines. However, majority of patients get the treatment for cosmetic purposes.

Notable figures have spoken out about the negative reaction to facial fillers, but critics believe social media and the rich and famous have contributed to the rising demand for the non-surgical procedures, especially among teens.

The global facial injectable market size was valued at 13.4 billion in 2020, according to market research estimates from Grand View Research. The firm projects the market will continue to grow by a compound annual growth rate of 8.8% from 2021 to 2028.

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